
KI Wissen

KI Wissen Final Event

An extraordinary journey in AI for automated driving

The eagerly awaited final event of KI Wissen took place on 21 and 22 March 2024 at the House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) in Frankfurt/Main, showcasing the joint efforts of 15 project partners from industry, universities and research institutes.

130 participants gathered onsite, and many tuned in online to dive into the realm of AI development. KI Wissen led a data-centric approach, aiming to overcome limitations of blackbox models. As part of the KI Familie established by the VDA Leitinitiative for autonomous and connected driving, KI Wissen initially faced uncertainty but boldly embraced the challenge of integrating established knowledge into AI systems. The endeavor of Hybrid AI, the merge of data- and rule-based knowledge aimed to bridge the gap between data-driven and rule-based AI, confronting hurdles such as limited data generalization and data disturbances. The project's overarching goal was to address critical challenges in AI development for automated driving through four key sub-projects: Knowledge Integration, Knowledge Extraction, Knowledge Conformity, and Enabler, Integration, and Demonstration.

KI Wissen's pivotal role in advancing AI development within the realm of automated driving research was successfully demonstrated during the two-day Final Event. The conference hosted by the KI Wissen Team featured various sessions and presentations.

On 21 March 2024 the day commenced with a welcome address from Simon Heinz, Coordinator of KI Wissen, and Jörg Dietrich, former Coordinator, both from Continental, followed by greetings from Ernst Stöckl-Pukall of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Gilles Mabire, Continental's CTO, delivered the interesting keynote speech, while Simon Heinz provided an overview of the project. Presentations focused on Knowledge Integration, Extraction, and Conformity, with highlight sessions covering topics like object and pedestrian detection, vehicle trajectories, and traffic rules for autonomous driving. The afternoon included a poster exhibition, showcasing in-depth research and project results. The event aimed to address advancements in knowledge integration and related technologies, fostering collaboration and insights-sharing among participants.

On 22 March 2024, the KI Wissen Team and participants reconvened for the second day of the conference. Simon Heinz, project lead of KI Wissen, warmly welcomed everyone. Gerhard Neumann from KIT delivered a distinctive keynote. Project presentations and demonstrations highlighted various innovations, including causality-driven physical conformity checks and interactive visual analytics systems.

A lively panel discussion took place, featuring panelists from various KI Familie project partners. The KI Familie focused on enhancing AI safety in autonomous vehicles by addressing training limitations and data challenges. Results aim to achieve autonomy at scale through advanced simulation solutions and efficient machine learning approaches. Integration of existing knowledge improves system efficiency and compliance with standards like ASAM and ISO8800.

In parallel with the KI Wissen project's runtime, next steps have already been initiated, and follow-up projects launched to overcome the remaining challenges in the field of AI for automated driving. Azarm Nowzad and Jörg Reichardt, both from Continental, were already able to give the audience an outlook on the new projects of the VDA Leitinitiative and presented their new projects just better DATA (jbDATA) and NXT GEN AI METHODS (nxtAIM).

The conference concluded with a wrap-up and farewell from Simon Heinz and Jörg Dietrich, who paid tribute to the success of the KI Wissen project and its closing event in Frankfurt am Main. Great results within four extraordinary KI Familie projects have emerged within the last few years. A project family unprecedented in the autonomous driving funding landscape so far, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action and initiated by the VDA Leitinitiative.

Die outcomes of the project and materials from the concluding event will be made available to the public on this website: Results 

>>> Download Video: KI Wissen Final Event (720p/mp4) <<<







Images ©KI Wissen Consortium